Traits of Physical Transformations (PART ONE)

    Traits of Physical Transformations                                           (PART ONE)
 “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Every day when I get up, I tell myself to make this day a useful one. I have been through a lot and let me tell you, body transformation is not an easy thing to achieve. When I look myself in the mirror I am still satisfied that I have achieved atleast 40% of where I was 8 years ago. I was a guy with good amount of fat under my skin and worst of all that it was on my chest. I thank everybody who mocked and insulted me. At the end of the day one has to take criticism positively. Of course it takes a lot of hard work to transform yourself.  

Every time when I returned from gym and looked myself in the mirror a voice used to echo in my brain “It’s not a easy task son”. Well I knew that and I still know that, that’s why I used to go 1.5 km away from my home while sitting in the comfort of my couch to make that job easier. It was my 1st day in the gym when couldn’t even do chin up on my own. Well I don’t remember what I was thinking at that moment but a soldier who was training there encouraged me not to lose hope and keep trying. He said “well you have lost half of your fat”
I replied “How”?
He said “ well you have joined the gym and If you keep coming back here every day you will lose the other half”.
Well he had a point. And these words still keep me going. Yet till now I am not there where I want to be, I had lot of complications through these 8 years. I had an accident and broke my left arm ulna bone and if that was not enough I had kidney stones, upset stomach, stomach ulcers and many more.
Well I keep bouncing back. Its hard when your luck gives away.
Without any trainer it is not possible to transform your body and build muscles and if someone has that misunderstanding , “DON’T WORKOUT”.
At the end of the day you gotta learn from somewhere. You can show up in gym everyday with your buddies and pick up dumbbells and start doing curls without any plan, knowledge and training. That’s one of the biggest mistake I did. Over the years I’ve been able to recognize what worked and what didn’t. In the upcoming blog I will share with you the traits one needs to have to transform the body and health the qualities one must develop to be on right track.i am sure that will help you a lot. 


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