How to boost testosterone level for better health and muscle growth


Low levels of testosterone in the body can cause obstacles in physical development. To ensure that the level of this growth hormone is under control, you need to keep a few things in mind. Testosterone enhances the development of male sexual symptoms and is related to sexual activity, blood circulation and muscular outcomes as well as concentration, mood and memory. When a man becomes irritable or angry, people consider it to be the effect of his work or age, but it is also due to testosterone deficiency.

In addition to economic pressures and rising inflation, social problems can lead to a drop in the levels of hormones called testosterone in men and this decline eventually leads to problems such as erectile dysfunction. The level of testosterone present inside the affected person affects their social behaviors. It is eclipsing people's mental peace as well as their sex life. This adversely affects sexual power in men. Long-term stress can reduce the level of the said hormone in men.  Women also have small amounts of this hormone. It is a steroid hormone produced in the testes of men and the ovaries of women. This hormone is also found in some amount in adrenal glands. Today I will tell you the home remedies to increase testosterone. You can exercise with certain foods to increase testosterone levels.

In males, testosterone is synthesized mainly in Leydig cells and number of Leydig cells  is regulated by luteinizing hormone also known as LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In addition, the testosterone production by existing Leydig cells is regulated by LH, which regulates the expression of 17-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

The normal level of testosterone in males is about 270-1070 ng/dL with an average level of 679 ng/dL. A normal male testosterone level rises at the age  20,(but not in every individual) and then it slowly declines. Testosterone levels above or below the normal range are considered to be abnormal. However, some studies suggest that the healthiest men have T-Levels between 400-600 ng/dL.

Low levels of testosterone may cause :
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Poor muscle growth
  • Fatigue
  • Low sex drive
  • Feeling Depressed
  • Memory disorders
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Sleeping disorders
 Poor growth of beard in adults isnt due to lower testosterone level , it is a   misconception that lower lvel of testosterone causes poor growth of beard   rather another compound called dihydrotestosterone which is also an androgen   is responsible. 

It is very important that you always maintain the level of testosterone, otherwise you may have to face a lot of problems later. Keep in mind some things like don't let your obesity increase, don't stress at all, eat less sweet and eat good and healthy food.


If you are overweight, you may face many problems. Excess fat in the body can prevent testosterone levels from rising. High amounts of stubborn fat may be due to high estrogen level and you don’t want that. Try to reduce your weight to increase testosterone levels.


Minerals such as zinc and magnesium play a major role in increasing testosterone levels in the body. Therefore, to maintain high levels of testosterone in men, it is very important to consume foods like nuts, fish, eggs, dairy products that meet the requirement of these minerals in your body. If you wish, you can also take a dose to meet this deficiency, which can reduce this problem to a great extent.


Whether stress is due to personal reasons or professional. This can create more than one obstacle in your physical development. Stress and depression elevates cortisol level which is released by adrenal glands and excess of cortisol in turn may lead to loss of libido and lower sperm motiliy.When you are under a lot of stress, a lot of hormones are secreted in your body. These hormones prevent testosterone from increasing in the body. Simple and effective techniques like meditation will help you fight stress.


Insulin levels rise as the level of sugar in the body increases. When you eat sugar, the testosterone level in your body automatically decreases. For secretion and physical development of this hormone, eat as little sweet things as possible.


Fresh, nutritious and healthy diet can help you fight many health related problems. Include green vegetables, fruits and dry fruits in your diet regularly. Always eat good things to stay healthy. Coconut is known to promote muscle growth and help in regular testosterone production. Coconuts are often eliminated from dieters because they are considered high in fat. However, they are high in "good fats," saturated fats that promote the production of hormones, including testosterone. Plant-based saturated fats are actually good for you in moderate amounts. You can get some testosterone with raw coconut cream, coconut milk or a few tablespoons of freshly sliced ​​coconut. Consuming fats isn’t a problem itself but it is the type of fat that you chose to eat that effects our T-level. Omega-3,6 and 9 fatty acids are beneficial for your testosterone production. These are also known are polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) and monounsaturated fats (MUFA). A good amount of these fats is contained in fish oil, soybean oil, canola oil, chia seeds, flaxseeds.


Get sufficient amount of sleep every day and relax your body. It is a fundamental process of increasing the level of growth hormone in your body. According to experts, one should sleep for at least 7-8 hours at night because 70% of testosterone in the body is produced in sleep.


According to researchs, if you exercise very intensely for 45-75 minutes every day, then it may cause obstacles in the development of testosterone in your body. Researches reveal that 30 minute of heavy load workout is enough. You have to start lifting weights. Lift heavy load than your normal capability. Focus more on compound exercises like dead lifts, squats, push-ups, chin-ups etc rather than running a 3-4miles every day. You might wanna target large muscle groups to get best results. Overtraining will increase cortisol level which causes stress and may reduce testosterone. Compound exercises have shown to increase T-Levels in males. High intensity workout also known as HIIT will also improve your T-level. It involves performing a high intensity workout for about 30-45 seconds following with a lower and easier intensity workout for 90 seconds. It will improve metabolism. You wanna repeat this 9-10 times to get better results.
Take rest days in between that will help to calm your nervous system and will allow your body to recover. Overtraining reduces T-level by 40%.


Excessive alcohol consumption or smoking may decrease testosterone levels in your body. Research has shown that alcoholic bodies produce 50% less testosterone.


Start your day by eating eggs, green leafy vegetables and nuts. Carbohydrate breakfasts drop testosterone levels, which are high in the morning. We should not eat anything directly and disturb it.


Shilajit is home remedy to increase testosterone. It is a blackish-brownish soft stone kind of substance. It is also known as Mumijo in English. Shilajit is found in the Himalayan hills and contains fulvic acid which naturally helps in increasing testosterone levels. There is a lot of difference between high quality Shilajit and low quality Shilajit. High quality shilajit is rarely available in the market and is too costly but is much effective. So you should consume good quality shilajit (high quality shilajit to boost testosterone), it helps in increasing testosterone.


Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic the consequences of estrogen within the body, which is bad news for your testosterone levels. Unfortunately xenoestrogens (like other endocrine disruptors) have infiltrated almost every part of daily lives and are impossible to avoid completely. Here are some ways you'll limit your exposure

Avoid heating food in plastic containers. If you're heating up leftovers, confirm to transfer your food to a plate before popping within the microwave. Plastic containers contain phthalates (a sort of xenoestrogen) which may be transferred to your food when the plastic is heated. If possible, store your food in glass or steel containers instead.
Limit exposure to pesticides and gasoline. Both of those contain xenoestrogens, so attempt to limit your exposure the maximum amount as possible. If you are available contact with either, wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
Eat organic produce. Non-organic foods are often sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones which mimic the consequences of estrogen within the body.


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